LATEST UPDATE: 2024-07-25 11:40
- Updated participants
- Added session Ivashu Dark by Alun Reese.
- Removed session “HarnQuest boardgame” vt Jay Sojdelius.
IVINIACON is a small roleplaying meet that has been organized in different shapes and forms since more then twenty years ago, mostly in Sweden.
The theme and setting of the meet is Hârnworld, based on Robin N Crossby’s fantasy world.
The venue is at the third floor in the office of Svep Design Center AB, St. Lars väg 42A, in the southern part of Lund, Sweden.
It is possible to park nearby – if you use one of the company parking spaces north of the building, there is no fee.
From Copenhagen airport it is 45 minutes by taxi (something like 1000SEK), or train. Contact me if you have questions.
You can usually manage with a credit card only, no need to use cash, even for smaller transactions.
We have access to one big conference room, and a common room/dining room where we can set up at least two sessions in parallell.
Both rooms are equipped with large TV-screens and conference 360-degrees cameras (Meeting Owl).
A guest wifi-network is available.
Lunch will be served at the venue on Saturday and Sunday, as well as dinner on Saturday evening, as catering. In addition, coffee, soda, fruit, chips etc. will be available.
Expected cost per onsite-participant (exchange course used is 1€=11SEK, rounded upwards a bit):
- Friday only: 120SEK / 11€
- Saturday only: 450SEK / 40€
- Sunday only: 250SEK / 23€
- Saturday to Sunday: 650SEK / 60€
- Friday to Sunday: 720SEK / 65€
- REMOTE ONLY: A donation/contribution in any shape or form to Ukraine.
This is to be paid on arrival using SWISH (Swedish electronic payment system) or cash in SEK or EURO. If there are any funds left afterwards they will be donated to a charity connected to Ukraine of my choice.
On Sunday evening, there will be a farewell dinner at a restaurant for those wo stay to the next day.
There are several hotels at a walking distance from the venue, but two suggestions are Hotel Concordia and SAS Radisson.
Hotel Concordia is an older building (built 1882) and closer to the city center, whereas SAS Radisson is of fairly recent build and distant from the city center.
If you haven’t arranged for a hotel, it is recommended that you do it asap – the summer is a busy time in Lund, and hotel rooms can become scarce.
Alun Rees (UK) | None | Offsite | Offsite | Offsite | 0kr / 0€ | |
Anders J Johansson (Sweden) | Standard | Onsite | Onsite | Offsite | 570kr / 50€ | |
Andy Gibson (UK) | Standard | Onsite | Onsite | Onsite | 720kr / 65€ | |
Connie Bechtel (US) | None | Offsite | Offsite | Offsite | 0kr / 0€ | No early morning sessions. |
Edward Andersson (Sweden) | Vegetarian | Onsite | Onsite | Onsite | 720kr / 65€ | |
Jeremy Baker (Peru (New Zeeland)) | None | Offsite | None | None | Offsite/None/None | |
Jonas Nilsson (Sweden) | Standard | Onsite | Onsite | Onsite | 720kr / 65€ | |
Lasse Nevala (Finland) | Vegetarian | Onsite | Onsite | Onsite | 720kr / 65€ | Only morning game on Sunday. |
Magnus Lyckå (Sweden) | Vegetarian | Onsite | Onsite | Onsite | 720kr / 65€ | |
Michael Gurley (USA) | None | Offsite | Offsite | None | Offsite/Offsite/None | Only evening sessions due to timedifference. |
Michael Jung (Germany) | None | Offsite | Offsite | Offsite | 0kr / 0€ | |
Mikael Hegardt (Sweden) | Standard | Onsite | Onsite | Onsite | 720kr / 65€ | |
Patrick McDonald (US) | None | Offsite | Offsite | Offsite | 0kr / 0€ | No early morning sessions. |
Paul Künnap (Estonia) | Standard | Onsite | Onsite | None | 570kr / 50€ | |
Richard Newby (Sweden) | Standard | Onsite | Onsite | Onsite | 720kr / 65€ | No fish/shellfish. |
Steffen Tretvoll Althand (Norway) | Vegan | Onsite | Onsite | Onsite | 720kr / 65€ | |
Terje Tollisen (Norway) | Standard | Onsite | Onsite | Onsite | 720kr / 65€ | |
TOTAL | Std: 7 Veg: 3 Other: 0 |
On:11 Off:6 Tot: 17 |
On:11 Off:5 Tot: 16 |
On:9 Off:5 >Tot: 14 |
After channelling my inner Alun for the second time, combining it wit Excel black magic, I have worked out the below schedule. The complexity in giving each and everyone the chance to play according to your wishes is…high.
In one or two instances, there will be a repeat play for some of us – I hope this is OK! I’m also working the GMs hard, but every GM will get at least one player oppo.
Note that Carved in Stone runs over TWO sessions, morning AND afternoon, on Saturday and Sunday.
17:30 – 19:00 MEET AND GREET
Will (tentatively) be available remotely via Zoom or Teams for online participants.
EVENING 19:00 – 23:00 (LOCAL TIME)
GM Alun
Players Jeremy (remote), Anders, Jonas, Lasse.
GM Richard
Players Anders, Connie (remotely), Magnus, Andy, Michael Jung (remotely), Steffen.
GM Patrick
Players Mikael H, Paul, Terje, Michael G (remotely).
MORNING 09:00 – 13:00 (LOCAL TIME)
ROOM 1 Carved in stone (Onsite) 6h-8h part 1/2
GM Andy
Players Lasse, Michael J (remotely), Jonas, Mikael H.
Reserve Terje.
ROOM 2 Escape Bandits (hybrid)
Players Magnus, Anders, Paul, Terje, Steffen
13:00 – 14:00 LUNCH
Served at the venue.
AFTERNOON 14:00 – 18:00 (LOCAL TIME)
ROOM 1 Carved in stone (Onsite) 6h-8h part 1/2
Players Lasse, Michael J (remotely), Jonas, Mikael H
ROOM 2 North and down (hybrid) 4h
Players Magnus, Michael G (remotely), Paul, Anders, Richard, Patrick (remotely)
18:00 – 19:00 DINNER
Served at the venue.
EVENING 19:00 – 24:00 (LOCAL TIME)
ROOM 1 Against the Morgathian Conspiracy (hybrid)
Players Michael G (remotely), Jonas, Edward, Paul, Mikael H, Steffen
ROOM 2 Troubled waters (hybrid)
Players Richard, Anders, Andy, Michael J (remotely), Connie (remotely), Lasse, Magnus.
Reserve Terje.
ROOM 1 Carved in stone (Onsite) 6h-8h part 1/2
Players Terje, Magnus, Steffen.
ROOM 2 Escape Bandits (hybrid)
Players Mikael H, Lasse, Michael J (remotely), Jonas, Steffen.
13:00 – 14:00 LUNCH
Served at the venue.
AFTERNOON 14:00 – 18:00 (LOCAL TIME)
ROOM 1 Carved in stone (Onsite) 6h-8h part 2/2
Players Terje, Magnus, Steffen.
ROOM 2 Against the Morgathian Conspiracy (hybrid)
Players Edward, Jonas, Michael J (remotely), Patrick (remotely), Mikael, Richard.
For those who remain…to be decided…
For online sessions, players will be connecting individually or from the venues conference room.
Players taking part at venue should bring a laptop or tablet – check technical requirements for each session.
By Richard Newby
By Richard Newby
By Andy Gibson
By Patrick McDonald
By Edward Andersson
By Edward Andersson
By Alun Rees
By Alun Rees
By Steffen Tretvol Althand
By Richard Newby
Form (Online/Onsite): Onsite only.
Number of players: 4+. 11 max if I’m mad enough!!
Setting (e.g. Harn, Harnplayer): Loosely based in Harn. Warrior, Rogue & Mage (modified for low magic system).
Technical requirements: Dice (D6), pencil.
A small group of Khuzdul are completing their militia duties as road repairs on the Silver Way, south of Zerhun. On the final days, they meet an old Khuzdul entertainer with a story to tell, and get into a mixed bag of mischief.
11 pre-generated Khuzdul characters are there to be selected from.
Loosely based in Harn, on the Silver Way south of Zerhun.
WRM is a free (!) set of fantasy Rules available from DriveThru RPG or directly from Stargazer Games.
Feel free to download the rules if you wish.
By Richard Newby
Form (Online/Onsite): Mixed.
Number of players: 6
Setting (e.g. Harn, Harnplayer): Loosely based in Harn. Warrior, Rogue & Mage (modified for low magic system).
Technical requirements: Dice (D6), pencil.
This is a first run of this, and timing is flexible depending on what the players decide. I can do this as a mixed session, nut onsite is preferred.
A “Time Bandits-esque” escape from the Arena of Shiran for Khuzdul for Harn
Setting Shiran, the City of Sin, 3 days before the Parminsian Games in the Arena
Premise A small group of Khuzdul have been captured, drugged and transported to Shiran to be a “novelty” act in the Arena. They are scheduled to fight in the Arena on the second day of the Games (4 days time).
Objective Escape the City (preferably with as much loot as possible to ”fund the journey home”).
Six Khuzdul were peacefully minding their own business, repairing a section of the Silver Way, when a bunch of bandits burst upon them, killed the guards (?) and then subdued the Khuzdul, drugged them, and have transported them to the dungeons under the Arena in Shiran where they are destined to be a novelty diversion in the Arena in 4 days time.
The Khuzdul were actually a punishment detail for the dregs of Azadmere. These six had been sentenced to roadwork punishment duties for their collected crimes of robbery, bribery, thieving, lying, stealing, drunkeness, lewdness and generally being too stupid to be useful in Khuzdul society. Perhaps an entertaining ending in the Shiran Arena could be be the only positive thing that could happen to them, unless, of course, they escape ……
WRM is a free (!) set of fantasy Rules available from DriveThru RPG or directly from Stargazer Games.
Feel free to download the rules if you wish.
By Andy Gibson
By Patrick McDonald
Form (Online/Onsite): Remote only
Number of players: 4-6 (6 is best)
Setting (e.g. Harn, Harnplayer): Harnmaster RPG.
Technical requirements: We’ll go mostly old school with zoom and players having their character sheets and dice locally. We’ll be playtesting a revised pilot’s almanac rule set I’ve been working on…
Huthor Thabel, your friend and companion drowned when his ship bound for Aleath wrecked in the Indatha Straights. The Earl believing his son still lives sends you to find the truth.
Please print out character sheets & vessel forms in advance locally.
By Edward Andersson
Form (Online/Onsite): GM onsite, players onsite/offsite.
Number of players: 3-6
Setting (e.g. Harn, Harnplayer): Mazes.
Technical requirements: TBD
The Shiran arena is home to the greatest show on Hârn. Thousands of people come to be entertained while hundreds toil tirelessly to make the spectacle possible. A lot can go wrong and sometimes the drama and bloodshed behind the scenes rivals that on the arena itself…
By Edward Andersson
Form (Online/Onsite): GM onsite, players onsite/offsite.
Number of players: 3-6
Setting (e.g. Harn, Harnplayer): Forbidden Lands, 6 hours..
Technical requirements: TBD
Late winter in Ochrynn is usually a time of rest. The Araksin festival is over and hundreds of pilgrims wait for the weather to improve so they can return home. This time of year in Misyn the weather is unpredictable and travel is avoided wherever possible. Only fools would go hunting for Ivashu at this time. This is the story of a handful of such fools…
This scenario follows on from last year’s ‘The faithful are never lost…’ where a small group of desperate and/or foolish travellers made their way to Araka-Kalai in the middle of winter. Join us to see what trouble they can get up to once they’ve arrived…
By Alun Rees
Form (Online/Onsite): GM online, players can be a mix of onsite and online.
Number of players: 4-6
Setting (e.g. Harn, Harnplayer): Against the Dark Conspiracy
Technical requirements: TBD
Notes: Saturday evening only.
When the White Hand isn’t enough you need a broader range of talent drawn from some groups outside the ‘unusual suspects’. Representatives of various Harnic factions are brought together by a shadowy individual who has a lead that needs to be followed up …
My own Vampire/Fae/Demon-hunter game adapted to hunt down members of the Morgathian Conspiracy planning the ‘Great Rising’.
Whether you’re in Lund or Remote, you’ll need a laptop/tablet to access a Google spreadsheet and an online dice roller, while I (and any remote players) will tune in using Zoom (links provided nearer the date). We’ll use safety tools in the form of Lines, Veils and the X-Card to make sure we’re all comfortable, but CONTENT WARNING … MORGATH = UNDEAD and potential HORROR, GORE etc.
By Alun Rees
Form (Online/Onsite): GM online, players can be a mix of onsite and online.
Number of players: 4
Setting (e.g. Harn, Harnplayer): A one-shot of a light hack of my own game ‘Alien Dark’
Technical requirements: Zoom onsite and offsite.
Notes: Saturday evening only.
CONTENT WARNING … This is a game in which body horror is very likely as people serve as hosts to a unique form of Ivashu. The system also deals with tension between PCs under pressure … which can get nasty when things come out of the darkness …
SAFETY TOOLS … Given the nature of the material we’ll be careful to use safety tools: Lines & Veils; X-Card; and the Open Door.
THE PLAYER CHARACTERS … are survivors of a caravan travelling through the Hohnam Blight and ambushed by the Kubora. The only refuge is an over-grown Corani ruin … and it’s night … it’s raining … the Hohnam forest is humid, very humid … and the Kubora are out there.
I will be running the game online using Zoom, so players either in Lund or elsewhere will need access to a device capable of running Google Sheets and accessing Zoom. There are seats for 4 players.
By Steffen Tretvol Althand
Investigate a series of murders and missing people in a mixed Ivinian and Jarin community. No preparation needed. But players can bring 2-5 x d20’s if they prefer to use their own dice.
By Richard Newby
By Alun Rees
By Neil Thompson
By Andy Gibson
By Andy Gibson
By Patrick McDonald
By Patrick McDonald
By Neil Thompson
By Neil Thompson
By Edward Andersson
By Andy Gibson
By Richard Newby
Form (Online/Onsite): Onsite only.
Number of players: 4-8
Setting (e.g. Harn, Harnplayer): Loosely based in Harn. Warrior, Rogue & Mage (modified for low magic system).
Technical requirements: Dice (D6), pencil.
Khuzdul Road Crew (a.k.a. The Boys from the Silver Way)
Form (Online/Onsite): Onsite only
Number of players: 4-8
Setting (e.g. Harn, Harnplayer): Loosely based in Harn. Warrior, Rogue & Mage (modified for low magic system).
Technical requirements: Dice (D6), pencil.
WRM is a free (!) set of fantasy Rules available from–Mage
or direct from Stargazer Games at
A small group of Khuzdul are completing their militia duties as road repairs on the Silver Way, south of Zerhun. On the final days, they meet an old Khuzdul entertainer with a story to tell, and get into a mixed bag of mischief.
11 pre-generated Khuzdul characters are there to be selected from.
Loosely based in Harn, on the Silver Way south of Zerhun.
Fee free to download the rules if you wish.
By Alun Rees
Form (Online/Onsite): Online individually/group in conference room.
Number of players: 4
Setting (e.g. Harn, Harnplayer): Against the Dark Conspiracy.
Technical requirements: This will be an entirely online offering using Zoom and online character sheets. Players require laptops or tablets.
A safe house in Nemiran … the sounds of Golotha from an open top floor window … a hooded figure in a shadowed corner briefs their gathered agents – unlikely allies intent on stopping ‘The Great Rising’ that will see all Harn fall to the undead hordes of Morgath …
“The Morgathians are looking for a musician, Torald, who was for a brief time a favourite of Queen Erela; who is more than sympathetic to the Morgathian Church”.
“We don’t know why but they want him. There are sacrifices a-plenty on the streets of Golotha so they don’t chase people unless they are valuable … or know too much …”.
“My informants say he is holed up in a tenement in Sewertown – find out what he knows before they catch up with him”.
” … you don’t have much time …”
By Neil Thompson
Form (Online/onsite): Onsite only
Number of players: TBD
Setting (e.g. Harn, Harnplayer): Harnworld, Roll20
Technical requirements: Paper, pen and dice
Description TBD.
By Andy Gibson
Form (Online/onsite): Onsite only
Number of players: 3-4
Setting (e.g. Harn,
Harnplayer): Torchbearer hack for Hârn setting
Technical requirements: Laptop or tablet TBD.
Up in the mountains and snow and ice of the Froy valley in Menglana, the Dagen of Ibanvaal have crossed the Beneta Pass and fallen upon Froyby. When the spring thaw arrives an attack on Froyaheim is expected; the febrile atmosphere in the Storzars’ main settlement is intensified by the rumour that they carry with them the “Blood of Agrik”.
What exactly the “Blood of Agrik” is, is a mystery, but if nothing else it will boost the morale of the invaders and sap that of the outnumbered defenders. Storzar has offered a rich reward for those able to steal away or rub out this threat.
Down on your luck, and outcast from “polite” society, you are a band of “adventurers”, the lowest of the low. So why not take a chance and try to win honour and renown by saving Froyaheim and the kingdom beyond – and maybe making yourself rich, in the process…?
This session is designed to be an introduction to the Torchbearer systems as applied to Hârn/Ivinia. As such, no preparation is needed, but it would be useful if you have a number of six-sided dice, a pencil and a rubber.
The Torchbearer system is quite different from many systems that you may have tried – so a flexible and awake brain would also be an advantage!
By Andy Gibson
Form (Online/onsite): Onsite/online.
Number of players: TBD
Setting (e.g. Harn, Harnplayer): TBD
Technical requirements: TBD.
Description TBD.
By Patrick McDonald
Form (Online/Onsite): Remote GM, online individually/group in conference room.
Number of players: 3-6
Setting (e.g. Harn, Harnplayer): Chendy Kanday; Harnmaster
Technical requirements: Laptop or tablet, Zoom, pdf viewer.
This is the classic murder mystery (with a twist) set in Chendy in the dead of winter. Your group is lead by a priest bringing a religious decree to Sarkum and become snowed in at this remote abbey along the way. I’ll change it up so if you’ve played this classic adventure before it won’t be the same…
By Patrick McDonald
Form (Online/Onsite): Remote GM, online individually/group in conference room.
Number of players: 3-6
Setting (e.g. Harn, Harnplayer): Chendy Kanday; Harnmaster
Technical requirements: Laptop or tablet, Zoom, pdf viewer.
What happens at Galopia’s Feast, stays at Galopia’s Feast. That’s what they say, and you certainly hope that’s true.
You had the great honor of an invite to one of Lady Cheselyne Hosath’s infamous parties. A fabulous musician entertained and you may have had a bit more wine than you should have. You followed the crowd to the afterparty at Galopia’s Feast. You don’t remember much of what happened, but you are not proud of your behavior. You awaken in a dark but extremely well furnished room.
What exactly happened last night?
By Neil Thompson
Form (Online/onsite): Onsite only
Number of players: TBD
Setting (e.g. Harn, Harnplayer): TBD
Technical requirements: Paper, pen and dice
Description TBD.
By Neil Thompson
Form (Online/onsite): Onsite only
Number of players: TBD
Setting (e.g. Harn, Harnplayer): Harnworld, Fate
Technical requirements: Paper, pen and dice
Description TBD.
By Edward Andersson
Form (Online/Onsite): Online individually/group in conference room.
Number of players: 4
Setting (e.g. Harn, Harnplayer): Harn/using Forbidden Lands rules.
Technical requirements: Remote participants will need a laptop or tablet and be able to use zoom. Access to three sets of 6 d6 dice in different colours, one d8, d10 and d12 is helpful but not required.”
Most pilgrims to Araka-Kalai take the most travelled routes and travel in large groups for safety. A minority travel in small groups, along unused paths; trusting in speed, stealth and their faith in Ilvir to keep them safe. This is the tale of a handful of such pilgrims…
This will be a relatively open sandbox scenario. There are pregenerated characters with a clear sense of their goal but the route taken is largely up to the players.
By Andy Gibson
Form (Online/onsite): Onsite/online.
Number of players: TBD
Setting (e.g. Harn, Harnplayer): TBD
Technical requirements: TBD.
Description TBD.